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Re: mount -a vs glusterfs (Dima Veselov) writes:

>> The source suggests that glusterfs uses the filesystem type
>> "puffs|perfuse|fuse.glusterfs" and the check above strips
>> the "puffs|" prefix. Sounds like lots of magic, but not
>> enough to make the check work.
>> Please run 'mount' or 'mount -v' to see what filesystem type
>> is actually recorded. "glusterfs" or "puffs!glusterfs" should
>> be fine.

>It says:
>gfs01:/gva on /gva type puffs|perfuse|fuse.glusterfs

>I'm confused - do you say the source check for phrase exactly
>what mount show to me?

How it works is:

in fstab you have written 'glusterfs' so that the mount_glusterfs command
is used when you run 'mount -a'.

But the result in the mountlist (entered by glusterfs) is
'puffs|perfuse|fuse.glusterfs' as I've seen in the source and as
you now confirmed.

A second 'mount -a' only looks for 'glusterfs'. But
'puffs|perfuse|fuse.glusterfs' doesn't match and so the double mount
isn't detected.

I'm not sure why or how the 'puffs|perfuse|fuse.glusterfs' type is
used. It probably has a meaning.

A regular puffs fstab entry as described in mount_puffs(8) would
look like

/usr/pkg/sbin/mount_glusterfs#gfs01:/gva /gva puffs rw,backup-volfile-servers=gfs02:gfs03:gfs04:gfs05:gfs06

This is supposed to be the magic that makes 'mount -a' work, but
with the registered type of 'puffs|perfuse|fuse.glusterfs' I don't
see how it matches the value 'puffs' in fstab.

But give it a try.

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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