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Re: Patch to update Exim to

  [exim doesn't really have releases]

In pkgsrc proper we have a very strong bias to releases, as wiz@ notes.

However, in pkgsrc-wip, almost anything even semi-reasonable is ok.

So you are entirely welcome to get wip access if you don't have it
already, and make an exim package there, to do it as well as you can,
ask for help, etc.  It's much easier to decide to move something to
pkgsrc when those bits can be read, pkglinted, etc. than to have
theoretical discussion.  And you and others can use the wip version.

One other thought is that if upstream is offering patch files, then
perhaps these can be treated as patch files to be fetched, instead of
pkgsrc patches.

Also, in wip, it is ok to package a particular commit of a git repo, vs
a release with patches.

This "releases" policy really is technically sound, as a release is the
longstanding defined handoff between a project that says bits are ok and
users that rely on it.  However, the number of people in upstreams that
don't understand the value of releases seems to be growing.  Once they
say "use something other than our latest release", that means the
release is overdue....

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