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Re: time consistently behind 6 seconds every day writes:

>See these daily NTP offsets:

>Jul 19 20:40:14 t1 ntpdate[16879]: step time server offset 
>6.039924 sec
>Jul 20 20:40:14 t1 ntpdate[4698]: step time server offset 
>6.038794 sec

6 seconds per day are 70ppm, a cheap crystal oscillator has an error of
about 100ppm and frequency changes with temperature.

When you run ntpd, the file /var/db/ntp.drift is written with a
measurement of this error. I get various values depending
on how much temperature changes and whether a simple crystal
or some temperature compensated oscillator is used.

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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