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installation on UEFI system w/ encrypted filesystem


I've been trying to install NetBSD on a UEFI system with encrypted root.
I've tried to combine the instructions on

without success.

When booting the system, it is not trying to boot from hd0c, but from hd0a.
As far as I can tell, this is the first indication that I did something wrong,
since I specified in /EFI/boot/boot.cfg that it should load netbsd from hd0c.

I can specify:
> load hd0c:/EFI/boot/cgdroot.kmod
> boot hd0c:/EFI/boot/netbsd

The system does try to boot, but fails trying to exec /sbin/init.

Would it be possible for someone to go over the steps I followed and point out
what I'm doing wrong?

For reference, following are the steps I followed:

gpt destroy wd0
gpt create wd0
gpt add -a 2m -l "netbsd-cgd" -t ffs -s 236g wd0
gpt add -a 2m -l "swap" -t swap -s 2g wd0
gpt add -a 2m -l "EFI system" -t efi wd0

EFI=`dkctl wd0 listwedges | grep msdos| cut -d':' -f1`
CGD=`dkctl wd0 listwedges | grep 'netbsd-cgd'| cut -d':' -f1`
SWAP=`dkctl wd0 listwedges | grep 'swap'| cut -d':' -f1`

newfs_msdos -F 16 /dev/r$EFI
mount -t msdos /dev/$EFI /mnt
mkdir -p /mnt/EFI/boot
cp /usr/mdec/*.efi /mnt/EFI/boot

cgdconfig -g -V disklabel -o /mnt/EFI/boot/cgd.cfg aes-cbc 256
cgdconfig -V re-enter cgd0 /dev/$CGD /mnt/EFI/boot/cgd.cfg
newfs /dev/rcgd0a

cp /amd64/installation/miniroot/cgdroot.kmod /mnt/EFI/boot
cp /usr/mdec/boot* /mnt/EFI/boot

swapon /dev/$SWAP
mount /dev/cdg0a /mnt2
for D in var usr home; do mkdir /mnt2/$D; done
cd /mnt2
for set in \
kern-GENERIC base comp etc  games man misc modules\
tests text xbase xcomp xetc xfont xserver; do
tar -xzpf /amd64/binary/sets/$set.tar.xz

cp netbsd /mnt/EFI/boot/netbsd

cat > /mnt/EFI/boot/boot.cfg << EOF
menu=Boot normally:rndseed /etc/entropy-file;load hd0c:/EFI/boot/cgdroot.kmod;boot hd0c:/EFI/boot/netbsd

(it should be noted that I also tried with `load hd0c:cgdroot.kmod`, but it made
no difference)

installboot -vf /dev/r$EFI /mnt/EFI/boot/bootxx_fat16

cd /mnt2/dev
sh MAKEDEV all

cd /mnt2
mkdir kern
mkdir proc
mount_kernfs  kernfs   /mnt2/kern
mount_procfs  procfs   /mnt2/proc
mount_tmpfs  tmpfs   /mnt2/var/shm
mount_ptyfs  ptyfs   /mnt2/dev/pts
chroot  /mnt2 su -

cat > /etc/fstab << EOF
/dev/cgd0a              /       ffs     rw               1 1
/dev/wd0b               none    swap    sw,dp            0 0
kernfs                  /kern   kernfs  rw
ptyfs                   /dev/pts        ptyfs   rw
procfs                  /proc   procfs  rw
tmpfs                   /var/shm        tmpfs   rw,-m1777,-sram%25

echo "export LANG=\"en_US.UTF-8\"" >> /etc/profile
echo "export LC_CTYPE=\"en_US.UTF-8\"" >> /etc/profile
echo "export LC_ALL=\"\"" >> /etc/profile


Thank you,


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