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Re: Attaching gdb session to a service launched from rc.d

Hi Martin, Christos

Thank you so much for your answers!

Is there some
other debugger active
You must be right.
Now I am `only' getting:

(gdb) attach 1055
Attaching to program: /home/german/work/supportTools/Emailizer/Emailizer, process 1055
Couldn't get registers: Device busy.
Couldn't get registers: Device busy.

I use XEmacs to debug (BTW would one know of a better way?)

And unlike yesterday, it all seems to works.
I only really recompiled one file, to run some more test because I was not seeing all my threads (but one double, instead of the main one) and rebooted, to test again attaching to the rc.d script when automatically started by initd.
I'll try a full rebuild and keep an eye on it but it sounds like there 
is nothing to see there after all.
Thank you for your attention and help nevertheless :3
I'm sure that `ps axwww' command will come in handy in the future, even though I couldn't quite make what the arguments meant from reading the manual page :p

Thank you again,


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