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Re: NetBSD on Linode kvm problems

Also, forgot to send this to the list earlier:


Hi Michael,

just to say that I've seen the same:

I tried para-virtualised and it didn't help and also ran into a nasty bug.

I've gone as far as disabling CGD now because a) I wondered if the overhead of encryption wasn't helping b) I can just hit reboot now when the clock drifts and not have to worry about typing in my password (I'd long grown fed up of the inconvenience of encrypted disks in the cloud)

The next thing I was going to try was a fresh install because I also switched from Xen to KVM "in place".

I've also noticed a similar issue to you:

On a fresh boot, mutt will switch between my mailboxes quickly. After a few hours/days of running it'll start taking longer and longer; This is mutt straight into a local maildir since my Linode NetBSD is also my mail host. So weird.

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