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Re: From IPF to NPF...

Christos Zoulas a écrit :
On Aug 27, 10:27pm, (=?UTF-8?Q?BERTRAND_Jo=c3=abl?=) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: From IPF to NPF...

| 	Last question. Can I use ftp-proxy with npf ? I have seen npf support
| in source file but man page contains no information about npf...
| 	Best regards,

Dunno, try it and report back :-)
	I have tried. Without success when I write these lines :-(

I have started ftp-proxy and it breaks my firewall configuration, network traffic on all interfaces stops. I'll investigate, but I have a simple question. Is ftp-proxy built with NFP support (is WITH_NFP defined ?) ?
	Best regards,


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