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Re: cvs update hangs 'amd' in tstile when 'firefox' is running

On Fri, 12 Feb 2016 18:36:04 +0000 (UTC), (Christos
Zoulas) wrote:

> Is your kernel DEBUG/DIAGNOSTIC/LOCKDEBUG?  Do you have a netbsd.gdb
> for it?  Can you get a crash dump when it is stuck?

On the most convenient test platform, "No," "Yes," and "No."

My kernels are based on netbsd-7 GENERIC, so none of those options are
enabled.  They are built with "kernel.gdb=FOO", so there is a "netbsd.gdb"
for it.  The convenient client operates completely diskless, so forcing
a crash dump is not possible.

I can switch to -current to see if the problem persists and that will
get me "DIAGNOSTIC" by default.  I can arrange for the other options
easily enough.  I could use another client to test and get disk-based
swap for a crash dump.

|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS               NetBSD     Darwin/MacOS X
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