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Re: Trouble while updating Firefox

On July 26, 2015 5:58:23 AM EDT, Rocky Hotas <> wrote:
>I installed Firefox as a normal package with pkg_add some time ago. I
>run NetBSD 6.1.4.
>Now, in order to update the package, I followed this
>guide, and I ran
>pkg_add -uu firefox
>The process failed due to some errors with the dependencies and now
>Firefox is no more installed! So not just the update failed, but I
>(apparently) lost the original package installation.
>I don't have the original error message, but if now I simply try to run
>pkg_add firefox
>the following error message results:
>pkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with speex-1.2rc1nb1:
>pkg_add: Can't install dependency speexdsp>=1.2rc3
>pkg_add: Can't install dependency pulseaudio>=6.0
>pkg_add: 1 package addition failed
>and the installation fails again. How can I do to restore Firefox?
>Thanks anyway,

That's weird, it seems like it should have worked.  Try "pkg_delete speexdsp" first, then re-add firefox.


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