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Re: SCP file transfer speed (Stephan) writes:

>When I copy large files through scp to a NetBSD box, I get transfer
>speeds of only 7 MB/s on a 100 MBit connection. This should be around
>11 MB/s. I´ve seen this on different x86/amd64 hardware with NetBSD 5,
>6 and 7-BETA. The NICs are largely wm, fxp and bnx.

scp speed most often is limited by the CPU doing the encoding (or worse:

You could try something like:

scp -oCiphers=arcfour ....

On a modern computer that's more than 4 times as fast as the default
AES cipher. If you don't trust arcfour, maybe blowfish-cbc is good
enough for you and still about 3 times as fast.

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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