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Re: dual stack hostside IPv6 config

It would help to explain what you're actually trying to achieve.

  - Are you trying to configure a v6 host or a v6 router?

  - If a host, do you want stateless autoconfiguration or to configure a
    static address?

  - Is your gateway really a static v6 address, or should you be getting
    it via an RA or via RIPng?

While Martin's advice about using %intf in a fe80: address is entirely
accurate, I would say that if you are manually configuring a link-local
address as a gateway, there's probably a better way to do it.

Also, I advised route6d, but I forgot to mention that this works only
when there is RIPng on the link.  That's the case for where my
static-v6-addr systems are, but it's not universal.

By far the easiest thing to do is "ip6mode=autohost" and then you should
get v6 addrs on all interfaces via Router Advertisements.  I am unclear
on rtsol/rtsold in netbsd-7, and how to use dhcpcd for 6 but not 4.

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