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problems configuring jabber server

Hi all,
I am trying to setup a jabber server. I first tried prosody, since I was looking for a server with few binary dependencies and this depends only on lua packages. It installed ok, but fails while booting. I searched the net and found that prosody works well with lua 5.1 but fails with lua 5.2, I don't understand why netbsd's prosody binary is depedent on a lua version that will not let it run. Then, I tried jabberd, it has lots of depedencies, but once installed and configured ran ok. I tried using sqlite for storage but the logs said sqlite could not write to the user authentication table in the database because the table did not exist. Did I miss something while configuring? Should I have run any script for populating the sqlite database before runing jabberd daemons? I need a jabber server with as few depedencies as posible, something lean, and if it can be a binary package, much better. Another question: Is there any jabber server that uses standard unix accounts as source for its users, instead of using sqlite, mysql, postgres, ldap or any other alternative means of storage?


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