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Re: Soekris Net6501 install from USB stick newbie issues

On 01/26/2014 08:44 PM, Jan Danielsson wrote:
On 26/01/14 19:06, g.lister wrote:
I am trying to get NetBSD installed on a Soekris 6501 with an i386 CPU
but I am having some issues getting any output from the serial console
beyond the first boot prompt and selecting option 1 for the install with
ACPI enabled.
    I just booted from the bootable USB image, without making any
modifications. All I had to do was to set the appropriate baud rate on
the other end (minicom; set to 9600(?)) and it booted up using the
serial console. If I recall correctly, the default baud-rate on the
combios and in NetBSD was different, so I changed that first (in combios).

    Difference was I used a slightly older NetBSD, and I used
NetBSD/amd64, but I assume these things would be pretty identical.

I did try setting the rate first on the Soekris to 9600 with set ConSpeed=9600 and tried booting but that did not work again blank screen after selecting one for the install. I use:
cu -l /dev/ttyU0 -s 19200 to connect

What is minicom?? Would you mind telling me with image you used, maybe I give that a try..

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