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Canceling a raidframe reconstruction

I recently had a component fail in a raidframe RAID-1 array...

wd1a: error reading fsbn 267569088 of 267569088-267569119 (wd1 bn 267571136; cn 265447 tn 8 sn 56)
wd1: (obsolete (address mark not found))
raid1: IO Error.  Marking /dev/wd1a as failed.

So I did some inspection on the disk with atactl and smartctl and it seems like maybe there were some bad blocks but overall the disk was ok. Fine. So I decided to reconstruct with this same drive.

It's been about 3 days and it's only at 7%. It's painfully slow. Bad blocks are found, but they're being remapped as expected and there are only a handful so far.

At this rate though, a replacement disk will be here before the reconstruction is done. So I'd like to cancel the reconstruction.

Is there a safe way to do that?

Any help would be great. Thanks!


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