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RE: minimally non-encrypted cgd setup?

Yes I have have cgd running over raidframe. You have to either:

umount the encrypted file systems and unconfigure them, cgdconfig -U, before
you reboot or halt the system

or figure out how to reorder the rc scripts to do this

otherwise your raid sets will be corrupted on every boot


[] on behalf of Malcolm Herbert 
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 00:14
Subject: minimally non-encrypted cgd setup?

The example cgd in the NetBSD guide doesn't encrypt the root filesystem.
I'd like to have a shot at setting up a host which uses cgd for all
disks, perhaps with RAIDFrame in the middle as well ...

Are there cgd configuration examples out there that allow all but
GRUB and the kernel to be placed on an unencrypted partition?

Better (perhaps), are there examples for creating a bootable .iso which
starts a cgd0 device found on an internal disk then uses that to boot
the remainder of the system?

For bonus points, has anyone got a setup where cgd0 is running over a
raid0 device?


Malcolm Herbert                                This brain intentionally                                                left 


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