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Re: Large Partition Disks Freezing

On Fri, 25 Mar 2011, Nathan Staley wrote:

The database is to be stored on external disks. Some times, the system runs as expected, but often, it the disks seem to lock up.

A few more stabs in the dark:

External disks - are they connected via USB? (Please let the answer be "no".) I had some weird issues with a 2.5" Seagate drive when it was plugged into a sufficiently lousy cheap hub, and IIRC the symptoms were sort of similar to what you describe. (I could usually umount -f and remount though.)

Or are they of the modern sort that spin down after they haven't been accessed in a while? (If so, can you force a lockup with "scsictl sdN stop"? Can you restart them with "scsictl sdN start" when they spin down?)

On the other hand, PostgreSQL on my system is constantly accessing disks even when nothing is happening, so that should keep them up...


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