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Virtualization and NetBSD

Hello everybody,
I want to replace an old Debian server for a public company. At the moment, it 
is running a Debian 4 (outdated) and a Windows 2000 VM inside a VMWare Server 
I'd like to replace completely the OS with NetBSD. The machine is working 
mainly as a mail and web server. 
The best option would be to have NetBSD as a xen dom0, a NetBSD domU as mail 
and web server and another domU for Win2K but as far as I know, NetBSD as dom0 
is unable to map more than one cpu. The machine is a quad core, so it would be 
a huge resource waste.
Is there any other (working and reliable) virtualization solution for NetBSD? 
I've seen VirtualBox in pkgsrc/wip but it doesn't cleanly compile.

Thank you,

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