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Re: Why is Desktop NetBSD a threat to NetBSD?

I personally think a fully or semi-functional desktop would be nice.. I
looked at NetBSD because I like it's philosophy, but similarly, I installed
(only to uninstall later) PC-BSD, just to see how KDE and GNOME would behave
on BSD. On PC-BSD however, the admin seemed cumbersome (getting X to work
was a pain), so I'd object to GUI tools replacing the CLI. If they were
somehow able to work in harmony, that would be a different story altogether.

As for all the bells and whistles on the desktop, I don't think anyone would
expect that from NetBSD. The project still has the (rather unfortunate and
misguided) reputation of only including old packages in pkgsrc. Imagine my
surprise when I managed to install a shiny new GNOME desktop (2.24) from
source (2008Q4). (whereas 2.24 was still marked unstable in Gentoo, and I
had to jump through hoops to install it). As a newcomer, trying NetBSD out,
I expected to see a CLI, and to have an ultra-stable and secure OS, anything
else would be a bonus. I tried the pkg-CD and that worked for me in
partially getting XFCE installed, maybe something like that would be handy:
a full installation of whichever DE included on the install media, which you
could add (post-installation) using pkg_add. Possibly after the message,
telling you to edit rc.conf.

Best thing that came up in these threads sofar: A browser like lynx to be
included. It's the first thing I install after installing NetBSD

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