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Re: Manually creating slices

On Nov 29,  5:52am, James Colannino wrote:
} Hey everyone.  Just one more question for the list.  Now that I've 
} resolved to figure out how to manually create a slice on a second 
} partition, I find that I'm having trouble figuring out both the proper 
} device names and the software used to create slices (forgive me; I'm 
} very new to NetBSD :-P)

     NetBSD doesn't have anything called "slices"; that's a FreeBSD

} I was reading the article here 
} (, but it 
} didn't help me out in my particular scenario.
} Here's my setup: during the NetBSD install, I was first asked to create 
} partitions.  I created one just under 1TB and a second that was 400GB. 
} Then, I was asked to create slices in the first partition for NetBSD. 
} Looking at /etc/fstab, I see that the slices for the first partition are 
} labeled ld0a and ld0b.  Does that mean that the second partition should 
} be something like ld1?  There were devices for ld1a and ld1b, and more 
} for ld2, ld3, etc., but I'm unsure of how to locate the second partition 
} that I created during the install.

     The number represents a "disk" as NetBSD sees it, i.e. ld1a would
be the first partition on the second disk handled by the ld driver.
The best you can do here is to burn a letter (you have 16 -- a - h) to
represent the partition.  Use disklabel on ld0, select a partition, and
enter the numbers from fdisk.

     Note that both fdisk and disklabel have "partitions", but they
represent different things.  fdisk creates what you call "slices".
NetBSD can only easily use one of them.  disklabel creates partitions
in the traditional BSD sense.  These are supposed to live within a
single fdisk partition.  However, you can cheat by adjusting the
disklabel numbers (start and offset) to point outside the NetBSD fdisk
partition.  BTW, this is also how you would access fdisk partitions for
other operating systems (i.e. Windows).  Hope I haven't confused you
too much.

}-- End of excerpt from James Colannino

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