Subject: RE: minimal code for a telnet-like deamon?
To: David Wetzel <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/27/1999 13:16:51
On 27-Dec-99 David Wetzel wrote:
> I would like to write a deamon that is started by inetd and allows
> connections on some port. all it needs to do for the first (play) version is
> to echo each line.
> Telnetd is a bit huge. Which (small!) program should I look at?
> Thanks.
If you are writing it to be run via inetd.. you don't have to do any socket
code at all.. as a matter of fact:
echo "hello"
Will do the expected thing when executed through inetd.
Tim Rightnour <>
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