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Re: PR/57807 CVS commit: src/sys/sys

On 2024/09/26 7:29, Taylor R Campbell wrote:
Does this failure still reproduce after christos's fix to osnet

The failure occurs because:
(1) During configure in tools/compat, _NETBSD_SOURCE is disabled.
(2) For other tools build, _NETBSD_SOURCE is defined.
_NETBSD_SOURCE should absolutely never be defined during any part of
the tools build, and it was a mistake for it to appear in the osnet
sys/types.h hacks.

If christos's change doesn't fix it, can you find where _NETBSD_SOURCE
is getting defined so we can fix that too?
Ah, that's it!

With amd64-current host dated 2024-09-22, cross build for

(1) succeeds for -current
(2) fails for netbsd-10, but
(3) succeeds (with X11) if above-mentioned commit is cherry-picked
(4) same situation for netbsd-9

So, we should pullup external/cddl/osnet/sys/sys/types.h
rev. 1.21 to netbsd-10 and -9, in order to keep cross build
possible for recent -current.

I will update the host side to today's current, and check other
target platforms (or trying all subdirs in tools??) for sure.


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