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Patch for the bug kern/57561: iwm device timeouts


This is an issue with the iwm wireless driver (Intel Wireless AC and Centrino Wireless IEEE 802.11 wireless network driver)

Bug: kern/57561: iwm device timeouts
Every tens of minutes or sometimes after a few minutes, iwm interface times out resulting in loss of connectivity. 
This is an intermittent problem. It occurs at least once in an hour, and sometimes multiple times in an hour. I believe anyone using iwm interface should be experiementing these frustrating timeouts which result in loss of connectivity.

The workaround:
Execute the following twice:
doas ifconfig iwm0 down
doas ifconfig iwm0 up


iwm driver has one watchdog timer for the aggregate Tx queue. And some Tx queues get stuck intermittently. When that happens, the watchdog timer handler resets the interface when the watchdog fires resulting in loss of connectivity.

The status register value 0x63 does not seem to indicate anything is wrong with the device.

Linux and OpenBSD handle this issue by creating a timer per Tx queue, and the reasoning is just because some Tx queues get stuck sometimes does not mean we should reset the interface. I don't know whether those stuck queues ever get unblocked. But, with this patch, I am not experiencing any loss of WiFi.

I modeled this patch on Stefan Sperling's patch in OpenBSD for the same issue:

Please review the attached patch.


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Attachment: iwm-patch.diff
Description: Binary data

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