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kern/46409: orphaned vmnet char-device defintion in 5.1.2

>Number:         46409
>Category:       kern
>Synopsis:       orphaned vmnet char-device defintion in 5.1.2
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    kern-bug-people
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Fri May 04 08:55:00 +0000 2012
>Release:        NetBSD 5.1.2
Dr. Nagler & Company GmbH
System: NetBSD test-s0 4.0 NetBSD 4.0 (NSW-WS) #0: Tue Aug 17 17:28:09 CEST 
2010 wgstuken@test-s0:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/NSW-WS amd64
Architecture: x86_64
Machine: amd64
        There is a char-device definition for i386 and ia64 named vmnet and 
        A search for theese show up that this is used nowhere in the 
kernel-sources - so no driver
        for the reserved majour-numbers in the architecture dependant ranger 
(below 143) is
        The names vmnet and vmmon will only show up in "sysctl kern.drivers".
        No kernel configuration ever uses this and it looks like that there is 
no loadable module
        for that too.
        There are empty manual pages (from 2003) that say in the bugs section:
        " has not yet written this man page."
        The name sounds like a relict from outdated vmware support approches - 
but I may be wrong here.
        Search for vmnet and/or vmmon in the kernel sources. You will get the 
e010# find /usr/src -type f -printx | xargs grep vmnet
/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/NSW-svc-ISDN/devsw.c:    { "vmnet", -1, 100 },
/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/conf/majors.i386:device-major    vmnet           char 
100                vmnet
/usr/src/sys/arch/ia64/conf/majors.ia64:device-major    vmnet           char 
100                vmnet
/usr/src/dist/ipf/etc/services:vmnet           175/tcp  # VMNET
/usr/src/dist/ipf/etc/services:vmnet           175/udp  # VMNET
/usr/src/dist/ipf/perl/Services:175 vmnet VMNET
/usr/src/share/man/man4/Makefile:       veriexec.4 vga.4 vge.4 viaide.4 video.4 
vlan.4 vmmon.4 vmnet.4 \
/usr/src/share/man/man4/CVS/Entries:/vmnet.4/1.4/Wed Apr 30 13:10:55 
/usr/src/share/man/man4/vmnet.4:.\" $NetBSD: vmnet.4,v 1.4 2008/04/30 13:10:55 
martin Exp $
/usr/src/share/man/man4/vmnet.4:.Nm vmnet
e010# find /usr/src -type f -printx | xargs grep vmmon
/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/NSW-svc-ISDN/devsw.c:    { "vmmon", -1, 99 },
/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/conf/majors.i386:device-major    vmmon           char 99 
/usr/src/sys/arch/ia64/conf/majors.ia64:device-major    vmmon           char 99 
/usr/src/dist/ipf/etc/services:cvmmon           2300/tcp        # CVMMON
/usr/src/dist/ipf/etc/services:cvmmon           2300/udp        # CVMMON
/usr/src/dist/ipf/perl/Services:2300 cvmmon CVMMON
man-sys-catman          .cat
man-sys-htmlman         html
man-sys-man             .man
/usr/src/etc/services:cvmmon          2300/tcp   # CVMMON
/usr/src/etc/services:cvmmon          2300/udp   # CVMMON
/usr/src/share/man/man4/Makefile:       veriexec.4 vga.4 vge.4 viaide.4 video.4 
vlan.4 vmmon.4 vmnet.4 \
/usr/src/share/man/man4/CVS/Entries:/vmmon.4/1.4/Wed Apr 30 13:10:55 
/usr/src/share/man/man4/vmmon.4:.\" $NetBSD: vmmon.4,v 1.4 2008/04/30 13:10:55 
martin Exp $
/usr/src/share/man/man4/vmmon.4:.Nm vmmon
e010# sysctl kern.drivers
kern.drivers = [160 -1 crypto], [161 -1 pf], [163 163 fss], [164 -1 pps], [165 
-1 ptm], [166 -1 atabus], [167 -1 drvctl], [168 168 dk], [169 -1 tap], [170 -1 
veriexec], [171 -1 fw], [172 -1 ucycom], [173 -1 gpio], [174 -1 utoppy], [175 
-1 bthub], [176 -1 amr], [177 -1 lockstat], [178 -1 putter], [179 -1 srt], [180 
-1 drm], [181 -1 bio], [187 -1 twa], [188 -1 cpuctl], [189 -1 pad], [190 -1 
zfs], [191 -1 tprof], [192 -1 isv], [193 -1 video], [195 -1 hdaudio], [0 -1 
cons], [1 -1 ctty], [2 -1 mem], [3 0 wd], [4 1 swap], [5 -1 pts], [6 -1 ptc], 
[7 -1 log], [8 -1 com], [9 2 fd], [10 3 wt], [12 -1 pc], [13 4 sd], [14 5 st], 
[15 6 cd], [16 -1 lpt], [17 -1 ch], [18 16 ccd], [19 -1 ss], [20 -1 uk], [21 -1 
apm], [22 -1 filedesc], [23 -1 bpf], [24 17 md], [26 -1 joy], [27 -1 spkr], [28 
-1 lkm], [38 -1 cy], [39 7 mcd], [40 -1 tun], [41 14 vnd], [42 -1 audio], [43 
-1 svr4_net], [44 -1 ipl], [45 -1 satlink], [46 -1 rnd], [47 -1 wsdisplay], [48 
-1 wskbd], [49 -1 wsmouse], [50 -1 isdn], [51 -
 1 isdnctl], [52 -1 isdnbchan], [53 -1 isdntrc], [54 -1 isdntel], [55 -1 usb], 
[56 -1 uhid], [57 -1 ulpt], [58 -1 midi], [59 -1 sequencer], [60 -1 vcoda], [61 
-1 scsibus], [62 18 raid], [63 -1 esh], [64 -1 ugen], [65 -1 wsmux], [66 -1 
ucom], [67 -1 sysmon], [68 -1 vmegeneric], [69 19 ld], [70 -1 urio], [71 -1 
bktr], [73 -1 cz], [74 -1 ses], [75 -1 uscanner], [76 -1 iop], [77 -1 altq], 
[78 -1 mlx], [79 20 ed], [80 -1 mly], [81 -1 wsfont], [82 -1 agp], [83 -1 pci], 
[84 -1 dpti], [85 -1 irframe], [86 -1 cir], [87 -1 radio], [88 -1 cmos], [89 -1 
clockctl], [91 -1 kttcp], [92 -1 dmoverio], [93 21 cgd], [96 -1 dpt], [97 -1 
twe], [98 -1 nsmb], [99 -1 vmmon], [100 -1 vmnet], [101 -1 ksyms], [102 -1 
icp], [103 -1 gpib], [104 -1 ppi], [105 22 rd], [106 23 ct], [107 24 mt], [141 
-1 xenevt], [142 142 xbd], [143 -1 xencons]

        Eliminate the unused char-device definitions in device-major of i386 
and ia64.
        Eliminate the useless empty man pages for the non-existing drivers in 


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