Subject: Re: Which NetBSD ports are 64bit?
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 11/03/2000 08:46:54
On 02-Nov-00 Allen Briggs wrote:
> I don't believe that there are any 64-bit PPC systems.

Big IBM POWER3 machines, like the 44P and the S7A, S70, S80 are all 64bit

We do not however.. run on them.

As for the original poster.. I have found the alpha port to be exceptionally
stable.  I'm currently running 1.4, with a huge slew of RAID and ccd striped
disks on it.. running cross-compiles nightly like mad, serving NFS every which
way, and it pretty much never crashes..  Even my multia had 200+ day uptimes.

Other things.. such as a MIPS64 port.. and ppc64.. are likely not to be
available fast enough for your work, and if they are.. it will take awhile to
stabilize enough for you.

Tim Rightnour <>
NetBSD: Free multi-architecture OS
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