Subject: RE: Enlightenment package...
To: Brian Stark <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 10/20/1999 23:22:19
On 21-Oct-99 Brian Stark wrote:
> I don't know who created the package for the Enlightenment
> window manager, but it would be nice to see an updated version
> of the package for the new 0.16.0 version. It would be 
> especially nice since the Enlightenment web site has a link 
> on its download page (
> to the NetBSD web site page for the package, which is still
> at version 0.15.4.

I might have time to work on this after the end of this month. we shall see.

> Alternatively, if someone can tell me how to create and 
> submit a package for the new version I would be willing
> to work on this...

Actually.. you could just try to change the ver. numbers in the Makefile, and
attempt a build. You can stuff patches in the patches directory.  Update builds
are much easier than new pkgs..  (though E is a particularly bad bad example)

I would be more than willing to answer questions about build failures if you
wanted to tackle it yourself before I can get to it.

Tim Rightnour <>
NetBSD: Free multi-architecture OS
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