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Re: well-supported card for new DRM?
On Fri, Dec 31, 2021 at 03:33:25PM +0100, Thomas Klausner wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 28, 2021 at 05:36:04AM +1100, Matthew Green wrote:
> > > I'm looking to upgrade my graphics card. What's the newest generation
> > > that's well supported by NetBSD-current now?
> > > NVidia "Pascal" (e.g. GTX 1050 Ti)?
> > > Radeon "Polaris" (e.g. Radeon RX 550)?
> > > or even something newer?
> >
> > we have reports that 1030 works well. i still haven't gotten
> > a newer nvidia since those are beyond my toy-gpu-card-price :-)
> I got a Geforce GTX 1050 Ti and it works fine.
> However, the X server doesn't go higher than 1920x1080. I tried
> playing around with xrandr but that didn't change anything.
> I see a line
> resize called 1920 1080
> in the log file. Where does that come from?
> mpv seems to use a higher resolution anyway:
> VO: [gpu] 3840x2160 yuv420p
> Any suggestions how I can force the xserver in 3840x2160 mode?
And here's the Xorg.log file I had intended to attach...
X.Org X Server 1.20.13
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: NetBSD/amd64 9.99.92 - The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
Current Operating System: NetBSD 9.99.92 NetBSD 9.99.92 (MIAU) #89: Tue Dec 21 08:01:51 CET 2021 amd64
Build Date: 23 August 2021 11:23:23PM
Current version of pixman: 0.38.4
Before reporting problems, check
to make sure that you have the latest version.
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Fri Dec 31 15:30:06 2021
(II) Loader magic: 0x12fe96ba0
(II) Module ABI versions:
X.Org ANSI C Emulation: 0.4
X.Org Video Driver: 24.1
X.Org XInput driver : 24.1
X.Org Server Extension : 10.0
(--) PCI:*(65@12:0:0) 10de:1c82:1462:8c96 rev 161, Mem @ 0x9e000000/16777216, 0x80000000/268435456, 0x90000000/33554432, I/O @ 0x00003000/128, BIOS @ 0x????????/524288
(==) Using default built-in configuration (48 lines)
(==) --- Start of built-in configuration ---
Section "Device"
Identifier "Builtin Default nouveau Device 0"
Driver "nouveau"
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Builtin Default nouveau Screen 0"
Device "Builtin Default nouveau Device 0"
Section "Device"
Identifier "Builtin Default nv Device 0"
Driver "nv"
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Builtin Default nv Screen 0"
Device "Builtin Default nv Device 0"
Section "Device"
Identifier "Builtin Default modesetting Device 0"
Driver "modesetting"
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Builtin Default modesetting Screen 0"
Device "Builtin Default modesetting Device 0"
Section "Device"
Identifier "Builtin Default vesa Device 0"
Driver "vesa"
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Builtin Default vesa Screen 0"
Device "Builtin Default vesa Device 0"
Section "Device"
Identifier "Builtin Default wsfb Device 0"
Driver "wsfb"
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Builtin Default wsfb Screen 0"
Device "Builtin Default wsfb Device 0"
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Builtin Default Layout"
Screen "Builtin Default nouveau Screen 0"
Screen "Builtin Default nv Screen 0"
Screen "Builtin Default modesetting Screen 0"
Screen "Builtin Default vesa Screen 0"
Screen "Builtin Default wsfb Screen 0"
(==) --- End of built-in configuration ---
(==) ServerLayout "Builtin Default Layout"
(**) |-->Screen "Builtin Default nouveau Screen 0" (0)
(**) | |-->Monitor "<default monitor>"
(**) | |-->Device "Builtin Default nouveau Device 0"
(==) No monitor specified for screen "Builtin Default nouveau Screen 0".
Using a default monitor configuration.
(**) |-->Screen "Builtin Default nv Screen 0" (1)
(**) | |-->Monitor "<default monitor>"
(**) | |-->Device "Builtin Default nv Device 0"
(==) No monitor specified for screen "Builtin Default nv Screen 0".
Using a default monitor configuration.
(**) |-->Screen "Builtin Default modesetting Screen 0" (2)
(**) | |-->Monitor "<default monitor>"
(**) | |-->Device "Builtin Default modesetting Device 0"
(==) No monitor specified for screen "Builtin Default modesetting Screen 0".
Using a default monitor configuration.
(**) |-->Screen "Builtin Default vesa Screen 0" (3)
(**) | |-->Monitor "<default monitor>"
(**) | |-->Device "Builtin Default vesa Device 0"
(==) No monitor specified for screen "Builtin Default vesa Screen 0".
Using a default monitor configuration.
(**) |-->Screen "Builtin Default wsfb Screen 0" (4)
(**) | |-->Monitor "<default monitor>"
(**) | |-->Device "Builtin Default wsfb Device 0"
(==) No monitor specified for screen "Builtin Default wsfb Screen 0".
Using a default monitor configuration.
(==) Automatically adding devices
(==) Automatically enabling devices
(==) Not automatically adding GPU devices
(==) Max clients allowed: 256, resource mask: 0x1fffff
(==) FontPath set to:
(==) ModulePath set to "/usr/X11R7/lib/modules"
(II) The server relies on wscons to provide the list of input devices.
If no devices become available, reconfigure wscons or disable AutoAddDevices.
(II) LoadModule: "glx"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R7/lib/modules/extensions/
(II) Module glx: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.20.13, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 10.0
(II) LoadModule: "nouveau"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R7/lib/modules/drivers/
(II) Module nouveau: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.20.13, module version = 1.0.17
Module class: X.Org Video Driver
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 24.1
(II) LoadModule: "nv"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R7/lib/modules/drivers/
(II) Module nv: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.20.13, module version = 2.1.21
Module class: X.Org Video Driver
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 24.1
(II) LoadModule: "modesetting"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R7/lib/modules/drivers/
(II) Module modesetting: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.20.13, module version = 1.20.13
Module class: X.Org Video Driver
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 24.1
(II) LoadModule: "vesa"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R7/lib/modules/drivers/
(II) Module vesa: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.20.13, module version = 2.5.0
Module class: X.Org Video Driver
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 24.1
(II) LoadModule: "wsfb"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R7/lib/modules/drivers/
(II) Module wsfb: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.20.13, module version = 0.4.0
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 24.1
(II) NOUVEAU driver
(II) NOUVEAU driver for NVIDIA chipset families :
GeForce 256 (NV10)
GeForce 2 (NV11, NV15)
GeForce 4MX (NV17, NV18)
GeForce 3 (NV20)
GeForce 4Ti (NV25, NV28)
GeForce FX (NV3x)
GeForce 6 (NV4x)
GeForce 7 (G7x)
GeForce 8 (G8x)
GeForce 9 (G9x)
GeForce GTX 2xx/3xx (GT2xx)
GeForce GTX 4xx/5xx (GFxxx)
GeForce GTX 6xx/7xx (GKxxx)
GeForce GTX 9xx (GMxxx)
GeForce GTX 10xx (GPxxx)
(II) NOUVEAU driver
(II) NOUVEAU driver for NVIDIA chipset families :
GeForce 256 (NV10)
GeForce 2 (NV11, NV15)
GeForce 4MX (NV17, NV18)
GeForce 3 (NV20)
GeForce 4Ti (NV25, NV28)
GeForce FX (NV3x)
GeForce 6 (NV4x)
GeForce 7 (G7x)
GeForce 8 (G8x)
GeForce 9 (G9x)
GeForce GTX 2xx/3xx (GT2xx)
GeForce GTX 4xx/5xx (GFxxx)
GeForce GTX 6xx/7xx (GKxxx)
GeForce GTX 9xx (GMxxx)
GeForce GTX 10xx (GPxxx)
(II) modesetting: Driver for Modesetting Kernel Drivers: kms
(II) VESA: driver for VESA chipsets: vesa
(II) wsfb: driver for wsdisplay framebuffer: wsfb
(--) Using wscons driver on /dev/ttyE4 in pcvt compatibility mode (version 3.32)
(--) using VT number 5
(II) [drm] nouveau interface version: 1.3.1
(WW) Falling back to old probe method for modesetting
(WW) Falling back to old probe method for wsfb
(WW) VGA arbiter: cannot open kernel arbiter, no multi-card support
(II) Loading sub module "dri2"
(II) LoadModule: "dri2"
(II) Module "dri2" already built-in
(--) NOUVEAU(0): Chipset: "NVIDIA NV137"
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Creating default Display subsection in Screen section
"Builtin Default nouveau Screen 0" for depth/fbbpp 24/32
(==) NOUVEAU(0): Depth 24, (--) framebuffer bpp 32
(==) NOUVEAU(0): RGB weight 888
(==) NOUVEAU(0): Default visual is TrueColor
(==) NOUVEAU(0): Using HW cursor
(==) NOUVEAU(0): Allowed maximum DRI level 2.
(==) NOUVEAU(0): GLX sync to VBlank enabled.
(==) NOUVEAU(0): Page flipping enabled
(==) NOUVEAU(0): Swap limit set to 1 [Max allowed 2]
(==) NOUVEAU(0): Page flipping synced to vblank by kernel.
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Initializing outputs ...
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Output DVI-D-1 has no monitor section
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Output HDMI-1 has no monitor section
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Output DP-1 has no monitor section
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 3 crtcs needed for screen.
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Allocated crtc nr. 0 to this screen.
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Allocated crtc nr. 1 to this screen.
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Allocated crtc nr. 2 to this screen.
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Allocated crtc nr. 3 to this screen.
(II) NOUVEAU(0): EDID for output DVI-D-1
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Manufacturer: BNQ Model: 8030 Serial#: 21573
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Year: 2019 Week: 4
(II) NOUVEAU(0): EDID Version: 1.3
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Digital Display Input
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Max Image Size [cm]: horiz.: 60 vert.: 34
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Gamma: 2.20
(II) NOUVEAU(0): DPMS capabilities: Off
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Supported color encodings: RGB 4:4:4 YCrCb 4:4:4
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Default color space is primary color space
(II) NOUVEAU(0): First detailed timing is preferred mode
(II) NOUVEAU(0): redX: 0.672 redY: 0.318 greenX: 0.207 greenY: 0.713
(II) NOUVEAU(0): blueX: 0.148 blueY: 0.056 whiteX: 0.313 whiteY: 0.329
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Supported established timings:
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 720x400@70Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 640x480@60Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 640x480@75Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 800x600@60Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 800x600@75Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 832x624@75Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 1024x768@60Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 1024x768@75Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 1280x1024@75Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 1152x864@75Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Manufacturer's mask: 0
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Supported standard timings:
(II) NOUVEAU(0): #0: hsize: 1920 vsize 1080 refresh: 60 vid: 49361
(II) NOUVEAU(0): #1: hsize: 1680 vsize 1050 refresh: 60 vid: 179
(II) NOUVEAU(0): #2: hsize: 1600 vsize 900 refresh: 60 vid: 49321
(II) NOUVEAU(0): #3: hsize: 1280 vsize 1024 refresh: 60 vid: 32897
(II) NOUVEAU(0): #4: hsize: 1280 vsize 800 refresh: 60 vid: 129
(II) NOUVEAU(0): #5: hsize: 1280 vsize 720 refresh: 60 vid: 49281
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Supported detailed timing:
(II) NOUVEAU(0): clock: 533.2 MHz Image Size: 597 x 336 mm
(II) NOUVEAU(0): h_active: 3840 h_sync: 3888 h_sync_end 3920 h_blank_end 4000 h_border: 0
(II) NOUVEAU(0): v_active: 2160 v_sync: 2163 v_sync_end 2168 v_blanking: 2222 v_border: 0
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Serial No: P1K00528019
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Ranges: V min: 50 V max: 76 Hz, H min: 30 H max: 135 kHz, PixClock max 605 MHz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Monitor name: BenQ PD2720U
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Supported detailed timing:
(II) NOUVEAU(0): clock: 241.5 MHz Image Size: 597 x 336 mm
(II) NOUVEAU(0): h_active: 2560 h_sync: 2608 h_sync_end 2640 h_blank_end 2720 h_border: 0
(II) NOUVEAU(0): v_active: 1440 v_sync: 1443 v_sync_end 1448 v_blanking: 1481 v_border: 0
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Supported detailed timing:
(II) NOUVEAU(0): clock: 262.8 MHz Image Size: 597 x 336 mm
(II) NOUVEAU(0): h_active: 3840 h_sync: 3888 h_sync_end 3920 h_blank_end 4000 h_border: 0
(II) NOUVEAU(0): v_active: 2160 v_sync: 2163 v_sync_end 2168 v_blanking: 2191 v_border: 0
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Supported detailed timing:
(II) NOUVEAU(0): clock: 277.2 MHz Image Size: 597 x 336 mm
(II) NOUVEAU(0): h_active: 1920 h_sync: 1968 h_sync_end 2000 h_blank_end 2080 h_border: 0
(II) NOUVEAU(0): v_active: 2160 v_sync: 2163 v_sync_end 2173 v_blanking: 2222 v_border: 0
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Number of EDID sections to follow: 1
(II) NOUVEAU(0): EDID (in hex):
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 00ffffffffffff0009d1308045540000
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 041d0103803c22782e2215ac5135b626
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 0e5054a56b80d1c0b300a9c081808100
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 81c0010101014dd000a0f0703e803020
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 350055502100001a000000ff0050314b
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 30303532383031390a20000000fd0032
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 4c1e873c000a202020202020000000fc
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 0042656e5120504432373230550a010a
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 020344f1515d5e5f6061101f22212005
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 14041312030123090707830100006d03
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 0c002000383c20006001020367d85dc4
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 01788003e305e301e40f180000e60605
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 015b5a4a565e00a0a0a0295030203500
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 55502100001aa36600a0f0701f803020
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 350055502100001a4d6c80a070703e80
(II) NOUVEAU(0): 30203a0055502100001a0000000000ea
(--) NOUVEAU(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 300000KHz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Printing probed modes for output DVI-D-1
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x60.0 148.50 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 -hsync -vsync (67.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x60.0 148.50 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x50.0 148.50 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x59.9 148.35 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.4 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x60.0 74.25 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x50.0 74.25 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x30.0 74.25 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x25.0 74.25 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x24.0 74.25 1920 2558 2602 2750 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x59.9 74.18 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.7 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x30.0 74.18 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.7 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x24.0 74.18 1920 2558 2602 2750 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1680x1050"x59.9 119.00 1680 1728 1760 1840 1050 1053 1059 1080 +hsync -vsync (64.7 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0 108.00 1600 1624 1704 1800 900 901 904 1000 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x75.0 135.00 1280 1296 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x60.0 108.00 1280 1328 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x800"x59.9 71.00 1280 1328 1360 1440 800 803 809 823 +hsync -vsync (49.3 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1152x864"x75.0 108.00 1152 1216 1344 1600 864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x720"x60.0 74.25 1280 1390 1430 1650 720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x720"x50.0 74.25 1280 1720 1760 1980 720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x720"x59.9 74.18 1280 1390 1430 1650 720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1024x768"x75.0 78.75 1024 1040 1136 1312 768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1024x768"x60.0 65.00 1024 1048 1184 1344 768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "832x624"x74.6 57.28 832 864 928 1152 624 625 628 667 -hsync -vsync (49.7 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "800x600"x75.0 49.50 800 816 896 1056 600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "800x600"x60.3 40.00 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "720x576"x50.0 27.00 720 732 796 864 576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "720x480"x60.0 27.03 720 736 798 858 480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "720x480"x59.9 27.00 720 736 798 858 480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "640x480"x75.0 31.50 640 656 720 840 480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "640x480"x60.0 25.20 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "640x480"x59.9 25.18 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "720x400"x70.1 28.32 720 738 846 900 400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): EDID for output HDMI-1
(II) NOUVEAU(0): EDID for output DP-1
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Output DVI-D-1 connected
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Output HDMI-1 disconnected
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Output DP-1 disconnected
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Using exact sizes for initial modes
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Output DVI-D-1 using initial mode 1920x1080 +0+0
(==) NOUVEAU(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Virtual size is 1920x1080 (pitch 0)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1920x1080": 148.5 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 67.5 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x60.0 148.50 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 -hsync -vsync (67.5 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1920x1080": 148.5 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 67.5 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x60.0 148.50 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1920x1080": 148.5 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 56.2 kHz, 50.0 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x50.0 148.50 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1920x1080": 148.4 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 67.4 kHz, 59.9 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x59.9 148.35 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.4 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1920x1080i": 74.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 33.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz (I)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x60.0 74.25 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1920x1080i": 74.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 28.1 kHz, 50.0 Hz (I)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x50.0 74.25 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1920x1080": 74.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 33.8 kHz, 30.0 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x30.0 74.25 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1920x1080": 74.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 28.1 kHz, 25.0 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x25.0 74.25 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1920x1080": 74.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 27.0 kHz, 24.0 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x24.0 74.25 1920 2558 2602 2750 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1920x1080i": 74.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 33.7 kHz, 59.9 Hz (I)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x59.9 74.18 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.7 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1920x1080": 74.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 33.7 kHz, 30.0 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x30.0 74.18 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.7 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1920x1080": 74.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 27.0 kHz, 24.0 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x24.0 74.18 1920 2558 2602 2750 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1680x1050": 119.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.7 kHz, 59.9 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1680x1050"x59.9 119.00 1680 1728 1760 1840 1050 1053 1059 1080 +hsync -vsync (64.7 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1600x900": 108.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 60.0 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0 108.00 1600 1624 1704 1800 900 901 904 1000 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1280x1024": 135.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 80.0 kHz, 75.0 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x75.0 135.00 1280 1296 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1280x1024": 108.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.0 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x60.0 108.00 1280 1328 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1280x800": 71.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 49.3 kHz, 59.9 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x800"x59.9 71.00 1280 1328 1360 1440 800 803 809 823 +hsync -vsync (49.3 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1152x864": 108.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 67.5 kHz, 75.0 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1152x864"x75.0 108.00 1152 1216 1344 1600 864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1280x720": 74.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 45.0 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x720"x60.0 74.25 1280 1390 1430 1650 720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1280x720": 74.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 37.5 kHz, 50.0 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x720"x50.0 74.25 1280 1720 1760 1980 720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1280x720": 74.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 45.0 kHz, 59.9 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x720"x59.9 74.18 1280 1390 1430 1650 720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1024x768": 78.8 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 60.0 kHz, 75.0 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1024x768"x75.0 78.75 1024 1040 1136 1312 768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "1024x768": 65.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 48.4 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1024x768"x60.0 65.00 1024 1048 1184 1344 768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "832x624": 57.3 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 49.7 kHz, 74.6 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "832x624"x74.6 57.28 832 864 928 1152 624 625 628 667 -hsync -vsync (49.7 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "800x600": 49.5 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 46.9 kHz, 75.0 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "800x600"x75.0 49.50 800 816 896 1056 600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "800x600": 40.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 37.9 kHz, 60.3 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "800x600"x60.3 40.00 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "720x576": 27.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 31.2 kHz, 50.0 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "720x576"x50.0 27.00 720 732 796 864 576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "720x480": 27.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 31.5 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "720x480"x60.0 27.03 720 736 798 858 480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "720x480": 27.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 31.5 kHz, 59.9 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "720x480"x59.9 27.00 720 736 798 858 480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "640x480": 31.5 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 37.5 kHz, 75.0 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "640x480"x75.0 31.50 640 656 720 840 480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "640x480": 25.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 31.5 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "640x480"x60.0 25.20 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "640x480": 25.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 31.5 kHz, 59.9 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "640x480"x59.9 25.18 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
(**) NOUVEAU(0): Driver mode "720x400": 28.3 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 31.5 kHz, 70.1 Hz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "720x400"x70.1 28.32 720 738 846 900 400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
(==) NOUVEAU(0): DPI set to (96, 96)
(II) Loading sub module "fb"
(II) LoadModule: "fb"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R7/lib/modules/
(II) Module fb: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.20.13, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.4
(II) Loading sub module "shadowfb"
(II) LoadModule: "shadowfb"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R7/lib/modules/
(II) Module shadowfb: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.20.13, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.4
(II) UnloadModule: "nv"
(II) Unloading nv
(II) UnloadModule: "modesetting"
(II) Unloading modesetting
(II) UnloadModule: "vesa"
(II) Unloading vesa
(II) UnloadModule: "wsfb"
(II) Unloading wsfb
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Channel setup complete.
(II) NOUVEAU(0): [COPY] async initialised.
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Hardware support for Present enabled
(II) NOUVEAU(0): [DRI2] Setup complete
(II) NOUVEAU(0): [DRI2] DRI driver: nouveau
(II) NOUVEAU(0): [DRI2] VDPAU driver: nouveau
(II) Loading sub module "exa"
(II) LoadModule: "exa"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R7/lib/modules/
(II) Module exa: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.20.13, module version = 2.6.0
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 24.1
(II) EXA(0): Driver allocated offscreen pixmaps
(II) EXA(0): Driver registered support for the following operations:
(II) Solid
(II) Copy
(II) Composite (RENDER acceleration)
(II) UploadToScreen
(II) DownloadFromScreen
(==) NOUVEAU(0): Backing store enabled
(==) NOUVEAU(0): Silken mouse enabled
(II) NOUVEAU(0): [XvMC] Associated with Nouveau GeForce 8/9 Textured Video.
(II) NOUVEAU(0): [XvMC] Extension initialized.
(==) NOUVEAU(0): DPMS enabled
(II) Initializing extension Generic Event Extension
(II) Initializing extension SHAPE
(II) Initializing extension MIT-SHM
(II) Initializing extension XInputExtension
(II) Initializing extension XTEST
(II) Initializing extension BIG-REQUESTS
(II) Initializing extension SYNC
(II) Initializing extension XKEYBOARD
(II) Initializing extension XC-MISC
(II) Initializing extension SECURITY
(II) Initializing extension XFIXES
(II) Initializing extension XFree86-Bigfont
(II) Initializing extension RENDER
(II) Initializing extension RANDR
(II) Initializing extension COMPOSITE
(II) Initializing extension DAMAGE
(II) Initializing extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
(II) Initializing extension DOUBLE-BUFFER
(II) Initializing extension RECORD
(II) Initializing extension DPMS
(II) Initializing extension Present
(II) Initializing extension DRI3
(II) Initializing extension X-Resource
(II) Initializing extension XVideo
(II) Initializing extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
(II) Initializing extension GLX
(II) AIGLX: Loaded and initialized nouveau
(II) GLX: Initialized DRI2 GL provider for screen 0
(II) Initializing extension XFree86-VidModeExtension
(II) Initializing extension XFree86-DGA
(II) Initializing extension XFree86-DRI
(II) Initializing extension DRI2
(II) NOUVEAU(0): NVEnterVT is called.
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Setting screen physical size to 508 x 285
resize called 1920 1080
(II) config/wscons: checking input device /dev/wskbd
(II) LoadModule: "kbd"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R7/lib/modules/drivers/
(II) Module kbd: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.20.13, module version = 1.9.0
Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 24.1
(II) Using input driver 'kbd' for '/dev/wskbd'
(**) /dev/wskbd: always reports core events
(**) /dev/wskbd: always reports core events
(**) Option "Protocol" "standard"
(**) Option "XkbRules" "base"
(**) Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
(**) Option "XkbLayout" "us"
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "/dev/wskbd" (type: KEYBOARD, id 6)
(II) config/wscons: checking input device /dev/wsmouse
(II) LoadModule: "ws"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R7/lib/modules/drivers/
(II) Module ws: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.20.13, module version = 1.3.0
Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 24.1
(II) Using input driver 'ws' for '/dev/wsmouse'
(**) /dev/wsmouse: always reports core events
(II) /dev/wsmouse: debuglevel 0
(**) /dev/wsmouse: ZAxisMapping: buttons 4 and 5
(**) /dev/wsmouse associated screen: 0
(**) Option "Device" "/dev/wsmouse"
(II) /dev/wsmouse minimum x position: 0
(II) /dev/wsmouse maximum x position: 1919
(II) /dev/wsmouse minimum y position: 0
(II) /dev/wsmouse maximum y position: 1079
(**) /dev/wsmouse: Buttons: 5
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "/dev/wsmouse" (type: TOUCHSCREEN, id 7)
(**) /dev/wsmouse: (accel) keeping acceleration scheme 1
(**) /dev/wsmouse: (accel) acceleration profile 0
(**) /dev/wsmouse: (accel) acceleration factor: 2.000
(**) /dev/wsmouse: (accel) acceleration threshold: 4
(II) NOUVEAU(0): EDID vendor "BNQ", prod id 32816
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Using EDID range info for horizontal sync
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Using EDID range info for vertical refresh
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0 533.25 3840 3888 3920 4000 2160 2163 2168 2222 +hsync -vsync (133.3 kHz eP)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0 241.50 2560 2608 2640 2720 1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0 262.75 3840 3888 3920 4000 2160 2163 2168 2191 +hsync -vsync (65.7 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x2160"x0.0 277.25 1920 1968 2000 2080 2160 2163 2173 2222 +hsync -vsync (133.3 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0 148.50 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0 148.50 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0 74.25 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0 74.25 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0 74.25 1920 2558 2602 2750 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0 74.25 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0 74.25 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0 74.25 1280 1390 1430 1650 720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0 74.25 1280 1720 1760 1980 720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0 27.00 720 732 796 864 576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0 27.00 720 736 798 858 480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0 25.18 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0 40.00 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0 31.50 640 656 720 840 480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0 28.32 720 738 846 900 400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0 135.00 1280 1296 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0 78.75 1024 1040 1136 1312 768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0 65.00 1024 1048 1184 1344 768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "832x624"x0.0 57.28 832 864 928 1152 624 625 628 667 -hsync -vsync (49.7 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0 49.50 800 816 896 1056 600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0 108.00 1152 1216 1344 1600 864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1680x1050"x0.0 119.00 1680 1728 1760 1840 1050 1053 1059 1080 +hsync -vsync (64.7 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0 119.00 1600 1696 1864 2128 900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0 108.00 1280 1328 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x800"x0.0 71.00 1280 1328 1360 1440 800 803 809 823 +hsync -vsync (49.3 kHz e)
(--) NOUVEAU(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 300000KHz
(II) NOUVEAU(0): EDID vendor "BNQ", prod id 32816
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0 533.25 3840 3888 3920 4000 2160 2163 2168 2222 +hsync -vsync (133.3 kHz eP)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0 241.50 2560 2608 2640 2720 1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0 262.75 3840 3888 3920 4000 2160 2163 2168 2191 +hsync -vsync (65.7 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x2160"x0.0 277.25 1920 1968 2000 2080 2160 2163 2173 2222 +hsync -vsync (133.3 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0 148.50 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0 148.50 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0 74.25 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0 74.25 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0 74.25 1920 2558 2602 2750 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0 74.25 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0 74.25 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0 74.25 1280 1390 1430 1650 720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0 74.25 1280 1720 1760 1980 720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0 27.00 720 732 796 864 576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0 27.00 720 736 798 858 480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0 25.18 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0 40.00 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0 31.50 640 656 720 840 480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0 28.32 720 738 846 900 400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0 135.00 1280 1296 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0 78.75 1024 1040 1136 1312 768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0 65.00 1024 1048 1184 1344 768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "832x624"x0.0 57.28 832 864 928 1152 624 625 628 667 -hsync -vsync (49.7 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0 49.50 800 816 896 1056 600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0 108.00 1152 1216 1344 1600 864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1680x1050"x0.0 119.00 1680 1728 1760 1840 1050 1053 1059 1080 +hsync -vsync (64.7 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0 119.00 1600 1696 1864 2128 900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0 108.00 1280 1328 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1280x800"x0.0 71.00 1280 1328 1360 1440 800 803 809 823 +hsync -vsync (49.3 kHz e)
(--) NOUVEAU(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 300000KHz
(II) UnloadModule: "ws"
(II) UnloadModule: "kbd"
(II) NOUVEAU(0): NVLeaveVT is called.
(II) Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file.
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