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Re: IDENTIFY failed

It's also possible that 2 full seconds of delays are unnecessary. Do those delays really need to be 500ms each?
On Thu, 4 Nov 2021, Rin Okuyama wrote:

Yeah, I know that. But, we already have two problem reports. What I am concerned about is similar problems will occur for a lot of machines.
(Thinking again...) But, yes, by this way, innocent people will be 
forever by extra seconds per boot...

Hmm, if affected hardware is somehow limited, we can just introduce something like AHCI_QUIRK_EXTRADELAY. Otherwise, we can reconsider, for example, before
NetBSD 10 is released.

Jun, Patrick, can you please provide full dmesg for your machines?


On 2021/11/04 19:58, Jared McNeill wrote:
 From the commit message:

  There are a handful of inexplicable 500ms delays introduced to the drive   detect path in this driver, slowing boot. They can be re-enabled with   options AHCISATA_EXTRA_DELAY, but should not be enabled for normal
  If a delay does need to be introduced in these places, the value should   either be more carefully selected or the scope limited to hardware that
   requires the extra delay.

I don't have any hardware that has problems with the delays removed, so go ahead and revert this commit if you're happy with that as a solution. It would be better to fix the problem properly though as this costs multiple seconds per drive at boot.
Take care,

On Thu, 4 Nov 2021, Rin Okuyama wrote:

Can't we put back AHCISATA_EXTRA_DELAY by default?

IIUC, the option affects only probe/reset; no bad effects for
I/O performance.


On 2021/11/01 21:19, Patrick Welche wrote:
On Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 01:05:26PM +0900, Jun Ebihara wrote:
From: matthew green <>
Subject: re: IDENTIFY failed
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2021 07:18:09 +1100

autoconfiguration error: ahcisata0 port 1: setting WDCTL_RST failed for drive 0
this one has reduced timeframe, too:
NetBSD 9.99.91 (GENERIC) #0: Tue Oct 12 19:57:53 UTC 2021 OK
NetBSD 9.99.92 (GENERIC) #0: Mon Oct 25 20:32:38 UTC 2021 Failed
which changed how some interrupt handling works, and: which removed some delays in the probe path.  possibly this one
is more likely to be at fault since it touches the probe path
options         AHCISATA_EXTRA_DELAY

compile kernel
That did the trick - thanks! (Wanted to be near the box before 
trying it)



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