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Re: Raspberry Pi camera under NetBSD current (Dave Tyson) writes:

>> Trying to access the camera with raspistill however ends in a crash
>> in the vchiq driver.

>Thanks for the data point. I guess there may be significant differences in the 
>microcode files between the RPI1B and RPI3b+, but at least the kernel loaded 
>OK for you so the sdcard driver works. I have turned on debugging for the 
>broadcom sdcard hooks and got a few hints as to where the problem lies - but 
>need to look closely at the source to pin point the failure. Of course, even 
>if I can get further I may still suffer the same crash with raspistill. 
>FreeBSD works OK and I can get pictures, so I know it is achievable.

I had a little success now with the camara and raspistill.

The file is slightly corrupted (truncated?) but can be displayed.

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