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Re: odd ATF failure for sh: ulimit_redirection_interaction failed

At Sat, 13 Mar 2021 20:57:20 +0700, Robert Elz <kre%munnari.OZ.AU@localhost> wrote:
Subject: Re: odd ATF failure for sh: ulimit_redirection_interaction failed
> OK, I see what is going on now.
> The difference for you is your initial ulimit -n
> value.  Not that it is big, but that when
> reduced the way that test does it, getting
> smaller and smaller till < 16, it happens to
> land on a value < 10 as the first such limit
> it tries.  Using the default max fd value
> doesn't do that, it reaches 15 or something
> and stops.   sh does not work well with less than
> 10 available fds.

Heh.  I landed on very nearly that clue when I started tracing the
script, but I didn't quite realize the implications!

Thank you very much for figuring it out!

It turns out of course that I had made a typo in my /etc/login.conf and
I had accidentally given my rootclass a soft limit of a very small
number of open files, just 64.  On the good side, /usr/tests was the
only thing that seemed to run into any problems with this!  (But of
course that was just for root shells -- my normal userid had 2000)

> But first, make sh give a better inducation what
> the problem is when this kind of thing does
> happen.

Yes, Please!

> When there are redirections in builtins, the
> existing fd (if any) must be moved elsewhere
> so it can be restored after the builtin exits.
> sh always moves to a fd > 10 for this use.

Ah, that explains to me better what that code is doing and why.

> ps: attempting to follow fd usages inside sh
> is not something for the faint of heart.

Indeed.  As I was staring at it a couple of weeks ago I was
coincidentally reminded of Gosling Emacs -- maybe that sh code could
borrow Gosling's skull and crossed bones comment from his display.c  :-)

					Greg A. Woods <>

Kelowna, BC     +1 250 762-7675           RoboHack <>
Planix, Inc. <>     Avoncote Farms <>

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