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Re: tunefs throws mount error (Chavdar Ivanov) writes:

># tunefs -o time /dev/rdk5
>tunefs: tuning /dev/rdk5
>tunefs: optimization preference remains unchanged as time
>tunefs: mount of /dev/dk1 on / updated   <======

If the device is "mounted", tunefs triggers a mount -u to push
changes into the kernel.

The check is done by calling fstatvfs(), and if successful the
update is done on f_mntonname.

That's a recent change (2020-04-09) and at least the check is bogus
because fstatvfs() also succeeds when the device isn't mounted (and
returns the filesystem where /dev lives, usually the root filesystem).

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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