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Re: What to do with base X11 for netbsd-9 ?

On Tue, Jun 04, 2019 at 01:03:49PM +0100, Patrick Welche wrote:
> On another front, I cannot boot a computer with nouveau and a
> NVidia GeForce GTX 680 (GK104). At the point where the console normally
> changes resolution, the screen goes black and everything stops.
> (No panic AFAICT)

This has changed! The above is still true with EFI, but with BIOS booting,
nouveau attaches successfully, and I can run xdm+twm! The experience
is exactly the opposite to the one with Sandy Bridge: images display fine,
glmark2 runs. It's the fonts which are unreadable (not a question of size
but of artifacts. This is in 3840x???? mode. Still, at least I no longer
have to disable nouveau in order to boot!



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