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GCC 5.4 mips64el problems

I decided to try building evbmips-mips64el with GCC 5.4 (-V HAVE_GCC=53).
Starting with a completely empty OBJDIR/DESTDIR, etc., building eventually
failed with:

--- ramdiskbin ---
#      link  ramdisk/ramdiskbin
/d0/build/current-gcc5/tools/amd64/bin/mips64el--netbsd-gcc    --sysroot=/d0/build/current-gcc5/DEST/evbmips   -static  -o ramdiskbin  ramdiskbin.o  -Wl,-rpath-link,/d0/build/current-gcc5/DEST/evbmips/lib  -L=/lib cat.cro chmod.cro cp.cro date.cro dd.cro df.cro ed.cro ln.cro ls.cro mkdir.cro mv.cro pax.cro ps.cro pwd.cro rm.cro rmdir.cro sh.cro stty.cro sync.cro disklabel.cro fdisk.cro fsck.cro fsck_ext2fs.cro fsck_ffs.cro fsck_msdos.cro ifconfig.cro init.cro mknod.cro mount.cro mount_cd9660.cro mount_ext2fs.cro mount_ffs.cro mount_kernfs.cro mount_msdos.cro mount_nfs.cro mount_tmpfs.cro newfs.cro newfs_ext2fs.cro newfs_msdos.cro ping.cro reboot.cro restore.cro route.cro shutdown.cro slattach.cro swapctl.cro sysctl.cro umount.cro chown.cro ftp.cro gzip.cro less.cro sed.cro tset.cro vmstat.cro chroot.cro flashctl.cro sysinst.cro progress.cro  libhack.o -ledit -lutil -lcurses -lterminfo -lkvm -lrmt -lcrypt -ll -lm -llzma -lbz2 -lz -lprop    
/d0/build/current-gcc5/DEST/evbmips/usr/lib/libc.a(softfloat.o): In function `__truncdfsf2':
softfloat.c:(.text+0x35f8): multiple definition of `__truncdfsf2'
/d0/build/current-gcc5/DEST/evbmips/usr/lib/libgcc.a(truncdfsf2.o):(.text+0x0): first defined here
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
*** [ramdiskbin] Error code 1
nbmake[7]: stopped in /d0/build/current-gcc5/obj/mips64el/distrib/evbmips/instkernel/ramdisk
1 error

I understand others have been experimentally building evbmips (-mips64eb
at least) w/GCC 5.4.  Did you run into this and if so, what works around


|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS               NetBSD     Darwin/MacOS X
|\ / jdbaker[snail]mylinuxisp[flyspeck]com    OpenBSD            FreeBSD
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