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Re: USB scanners and PR 50340

On Saturday 19 Mar 2016 08:45:59 you wrote:
> (Martin Husemann) writes:
> >I tried to get the non-libusb (i.e. uscanner0) version to work with latest
> >sane-backends, but failed.
> Does it work in FreeBSD (with /dev/usb/scanner0) ?

No, I think FreeBSD only provide assess via the ugen interface (according to 
the online FreeBSD handbook). 

> >Instead we should improve our device ownership handling in a  more
> >general way. Jared suggested dynamic groups (i.e. the kernel magically
> >adding the owner of /dev/console to a special group "consoleuser" or
> >something similar), but there are other alternatives.
> That's a can of worms. You don't even know what a particular ugen*
> device is until you opened and queried it.

FreeBSD suggest creating a usb group and using devfs.rules to control access 
to ugen devices. IMHO this unworkable as the ugen a device like a scannet 
attached as will vary depending on other USB devices attached at the time.


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