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Re: amd64-7.0_STABLE trap panic

On Sat, 7 Nov 2015, John D. Baker wrote:

On Sun, 8 Nov 2015, Paul Goyette wrote:

It might be useful if you could use gdb on the crash dump.  Use the
Perhaps I'm still quite the neophyte with 'gdb'.  Is examining a system
core dump much different from examining a process core dump?


 $ gdb netbsd.3 netbsd.3.core

results in:

Reading symbols from netbsd.3...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
"/r0/mm/netbsd.3.core" is not a core dump: File format not recognized


	$ gdb netbsd.3 # (or, if you have one somewhere, the netbsd.gdb
	               # would be better because it has debug symbols)
	(gdb) target kvm netbsd.3.core

| Paul Goyette     | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:       |
| (Retired)        | FA29 0E3B 35AF E8AE 6651 | paul at    |
| Kernel Developer | 0786 F758 55DE 53BA 7731 | pgoyette at  |

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