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Re: Persistent build failure on amd64 -current

>> On 07.02.2011 02:08, Scott Ellis wrote:
>>> --- all-kmod ---
>>> all ===> etc/amd64/kmod
>>> nbmake: nbmake: don't know how to make
>>> /nbu/data/scotte/netbsd_build/amd64/destd
>>> ir/stand/amd64/5.99.45/modules/miniroot/miniroot.kmod. Stop
>>> nbmake: stopped in /nbu/source/netbsd/src/distrib/amd64/kmod
>>> [snip]
> Thinking about it, I do have MKKMOD=no in my /etc/mk.conf (until there's a
> safe way to update modular kernels, I just can't do it), which may be the
> issue.  Will try a build w/o that and see if it changes anything...

So MKKMOD=no was indeed the "problem".  Since MKKMOD is a knob we let
people use, it seems that the Makefile needs to support that case and
ignore it for building the miniroot.  Right?

(Side note, we seem to break relatively frequently with different MKFOO
knobs...right now the build fails with MKNPF=no since the manpages are
assumed to be present when creating the sets, for example.  Any thoughts
on how to catch these prior to commit time, rather than awaiting feedback
from users who happen to turn a particular knob?)

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