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Boot failure on port-amd64 5.99.29

Just tried booting up one of my systems on a -current kernel built from sources only a couple hours old, and got a crash during boot. I don't have the actual rash message (because the kernel is built with
        DDB_COMMANDONENTER="call ddb_vgapost; bt"

but the back-trace looks like this:

bus_space_map + x20
itesio_isa_attach + x192
config_attach_loc + x16e
isa_search + x18b
mapply + x23
config_search_loc + x105

If I boot -c and disable itesio* then it goes to completion, so I'd guess that there's something wrong with itesio_isa_attach().
I can take a look at it later on, but in the meantime if anyone wants to 
dig into it, please feel free.

| Paul Goyette     | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:       |
| Customer Service | FA29 0E3B 35AF E8AE 6651 | paul at    |
| Network Engineer | 0786 F758 55DE 53BA 7731 | pgoyette at |
| Kernel Developer |                          | pgoyette at  |

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