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Re: fontconfig

matthew green <> wrote:
>Robert Swindells writes:
>> Is it worth trying to update the in-tree copy of fontconfig ?
>yes please.
>> I think the main issue was identified by maya@ here:
>> <>
>> One way to go could be to modify it to use the libc UUID functions
>> instead of libuuid.
>i haven't looked closely.  can we shim the libuuid stuff with
>our uuid code backend?

Maybe, have you got a suggestion for where the shim should go ?

I was only thinking about what to do about stuff in the tree, the
original post from maya@ was about potential problems in packages. On my
system Python 3.7 depends on libuuid but there may be other packages
too. Are you suggesting that we use the shim for packages too ?

If we want to avoid changing the fontconfig source at all then I think
we would need a /usr/include/uuid/uuid.h header.

> what do other non linux consumers do?

I don't think the versions of fontconfig in FreeBSD or OpenBSD are
new enough to need the UUID code.

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