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Re: no keyboard input visible with xsrc X11 on i386 -current?

On Sat, 02 Apr 2011 12:38:09 +1100
matthew green <> wrote:

> try removing /usr/X11R7/lib/X11/xkb/ and re-extracting the
> xbase set?

No joy, although it generated errors about not finding 'en', which
seemed encouraging.  I also tried removing /usr/X11R6 (which I had still
sitting around) and /usr/X11R7 and reinstalling, which eliminated the
error about 'en' but didn't seem to change the overall outcome.  (And,
of course, I had to recompile a bunch of pkgsrc to work again.)

I don't want to drive everybody nuts with this, as it may be that I
missed some simple X install step or something, but by the same
token, I'm kind of perplexed about the what's missing.  I've been
wrestling with X11 for more years than I'd care to mention, and it just
keeps getting more complex and weird. :-(



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