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Re: sched_protect(2)

On Aug 1,  4:28pm, ("Rocky Hotas") wrote:
-- Subject: Re: sched_protect(2)

| I am just an enthusiast and not a developer; I used pthreads some
| months ago and noticed that sched_protect is already mentioned in
| sched(3). Is there something that I can do to help you writing or
| reviewing the man page, or is this kind of work better fitted for
| the developers' team?

Hi, Rocky,

Anyone can help. As you correctly pointed out, there is a summary
in sched.3, but we need to mention that -1 restores the original
priority (popping a level) and make sure that there is also a link
to it, so 'man sched_protect' works. Please coordinate here with Charles
on who is doing what, so that we don't do things twice.

| Bye :),



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