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Re: updates?

On Jul 17,  2:02am, (Charles Cui) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: updates?

| Hi Christos,
|   I considered the questions that you asked.
| Here is another patch that improves the previous one in terms of error
| checking
| I have checked the queue size is the total number instead of per signal.
| my patch can pass the tests here,
| which can work as an unit test.
| In terms of the sig queue delivery order, for real time signals, I need to
| familiar with the
| consuming logics in the netbsd code base. I guess maybe we need to sort
| real time signals when enqueuing,
| or selecting the correct real time signal when consuming.
| My action items,
| to familiar with signal consuming logic in netbsd, to make sure real time
| signals are always consumed based on its signal number (the smaller the
| real time signal number, the earlier to be consumed.)

Thanks. What does FreeBSD do? Can we have a separate queue for realtime
signals and deliver those first?


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