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Re: dbcool, envsys, powerd shutting down my machine

On 2016-02-03 10:06, Eduardo Horvath wrote:
On Tue, 2 Feb 2016, Constantine A. Murenin wrote:

Wouldn't the correct solution then be to kill the process-intensive jobs,
instead of shutting down the whole system?
That doesn't really make too much sense.

In theory, if the CPU has a low power mode and the machine detects
thermal issues, you could lower the temperature by periodically switching
into the low power mode.  Some CPUs operate this way.

However, at the moment there's no way that a low power mode will generate
less heat than a no power mode.
I think the issue at stake are the false positives, during which powerd 
will rudely shutdown any box (w/ etc/powerd/scripts/sensor_temperature).
Also, I disagree that no power will always result in lower temperature, 
especially in the non-laptop environment:
0. If your CPU is overheating, and you shutdown the whole box, it's 
quite likely that the other components within the enclosure will end up 
receiving extra heat due to the enclosure fans now being powered down.
1. Also, if we talk about a Data Centre environment, wouldn't "graceful" 
shutdown from within the operating system simply initiate a restart 
sequence, potentially in an endless loop?
I think system shutdown should be on an opt-in, not an opt-out, basis.


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