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Re: strtoi(3) strtou(3) errata patch

Roy Marples wrote:
> I also have a request to use reallocarray(3) or reallocarr(3) in
> dhcpcd(8) as well, but unsure about that right now.


I need to rediff my last patch for reallocarr(3) and prepare tests.
After merge, it will be ready for pulls to -7.

reallocarray(3) is a part of the incomplete _OPENBSD_SOURCE
namespace, I have scheduled few additional functions for it,
notably: timingsafe_memcmp(3), timingsafe_bcmp(3) and
explicit_bzero(3) -- just to name the ones used by LibreSSL.

Please open a pull request for estrtoi(3) and estrtou(3), they are
the integral parts of libutil and they should be available for the
same version of NetBSD as strtoi(3) and strtou(3).

I have got a local version of strsuftoi(3) and strsuftou(3), a
sane replacement for strsuftoll(3) and strsuftollx(3), built on
strtoi(3) and strtou(3) with overflow checking and additional

Do you need it too?

I planed initially to publish it after the overflow(3) function
being accepted and merged, as GCC 5.x is out (and so GCC features
for 5.0 are set in stone) it's a good time to go to it again,
but it's not a blocker for overflow reallocarr(3).

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