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Re: Proposal for cp -a

> When you say you think it is very useful, do you mean that it's useful
> for NetBSD to mimic other systems, or do you mean that it's useful in
> some other sense?

Copying directories recursively preserving file attributes is one of
the file operation I do regulary. So, -a option seems to me a little bit
more convenient to type than -Rp (-P is not mandatory as it is the default)
and easier to remember (<A>rchive). Also -a may be helpful for those
who come to NetBSD from other systems, notably FreeBSD and Linux.
So, yes, mimicing other systems may be a benefit too taking into account
that 'cp -a' is accepted in Linux and some other platforms
for very long time.

Best regards, Aleksey Cheusov.

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