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libcurses almost working with libterminfo

Hi List

Here's a small update to my libterminfo implementation [1].
For things that use terminfo directly and not via curses it works 100% with my testing :)
I've also prepared a patch for libcurses to use libterminfo [2].
This sort of works. It doesn't crash, but it also doesn't behave entirely correctly. For example, vi editing /etc/fstab the END key fails to work (screen flashes, case changes) and centerim has some redraw and keyboard handling issues.
Saying that, screen appears to work fine - but i think it just uses 
curses to get a the tigetstr functions and friends which are in libterminfo.
At this stage I'm asking for help getting the libcurses part to work as 
I'm not entirely sure how various parts work internally.


[2] Hi List

Here's a small update to my libterminfo implementation [1].
For things that use terminfo directly and not via curses it works 100% with my testing :)
I've also prepared a patch for libcurses to use libterminfo [2].
This sort of works. It doesn't crash, but it also doesn't behave entirely correctly. For example, vi editing /etc/fstab the END key fails to work (screen flashes, case changes) and centerim has some redraw and keyboard handling issues.
Saying that, screen appears to work fine - but i think it just uses 
curses to get a the tigetstr functions and friends which are in libterminfo.
At this stage I'm asking for help getting libcurses to work better as 
I'm not entirely sure how various parts work internally. Also, wchar 
support probably doesn't work.



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