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Re: Adding openresolv to base

David Holland wrote:
On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 03:56:04PM +0000, Roy Marples wrote:
I would like to propose adding openresolv [1] to the base system so that
different daemons that want to update resolv.conf(5) can do so without
stepping on each others toes. dhcpcd can handle this internally, but
only for DNS information obtained by itself.

Rather than introducing further hacks to automatically munge what's
theoretically a sysadmin-edited file, can we have the daemons do this
in /var/run, and have the resolver go look at the results based on a
resolv.conf setting?

If you didn't want something to "munge" or clobber /etc/resolv.conf then would wouldn't be running DHCP, PPP, VPN, etc - or those components would already be disabled for applying DNS to the system.

Infact one of the goals of resolvconf is to allow your finely crafted resolv.conf options to persist in /etc/resolv.conf which would always take precedence over anything automatically added.

> I doubt the overhead induced by the resolver loading an additional
> file from cache will be a problem, even on vaxes, and I must say I
> really don't like it when random tools clobber my configuration.

By adding another file you have increased complexity. If both files are present, which should be used? If both, in what order? What if I want my static config to appear somewhere in the middle? Should we have a third file to configure this?

You're also ignoring the extra benefits of openresolv dealing with a local resolver such as named or dnsmsq. Some of these benefits include talking to >3 nameservers, when searching in the "search" or "domain" option we only query the nameservers for that domain and optionally marking some nameservers as private to that domain instead of global (think company VPN DNS)



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