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Re: [PATCH 1/3] gcc: Add missing parentheses around ternary operator

    Date:        Sat, 11 Sep 2021 22:02:52 +0000
    From:        David Holland <>
    Message-ID:  <>

  | Right. At some point that got improved, like various other things, and
  | the parts of the world that can't be arsed to keep up failed to keep
  | up long enough that it got into POSIX.
  | I don't have any idea if it's still relevant.

It apparently still is in the Linux world (at least) as the linux emulation
code uses TIOCSCTTY to atempt to claim a tty as the controlling tty if 
O_NOCTTY is not set.

  |  > Until just recently (ie: this week) I had no idea that had changed.
  | No reason you should unless you've been reimplementing sessions and
  | process groups :-)

Not that significant...


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