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Re: NetBSD & Fossil

Gour <> writes:

> Personally, I feel a bit strange to learn CVS in 2015 considering I was not
> using when it was relevant VCS - I quickly jumped to Darcs and then was
> using/trying {arch, bzr, hg, mtn, fossil, git} and now will probably try to
> help EdgeBSD (NetBSD clone) which embraced git…

I know you may find it strange, but NetBSD has been using CVS since
~~1993 with no disruptions, and a number of the things you list have come
and gone.  It's really only hg and git which have the critical mass to
ensure long-term survival, so it's a good thing NetBSD didn't switch to
arch or bzr.  It is overdue to move to a DVCS, but the clamor of "we
have to switch to X because it's new and shiny" has to be fended off for
a while in order to have stability.

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