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Re: Proposal for more reliable git mirroring

From: Jeff Rizzo <>, Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2014 11:24:31 

> I realize not everyone is onboard with the idea of moving towards
> using git; however, there's a substantial number of people who would
> benefit from having a reliable[1] mirror of the various NetBSD code
> bases[2] using git.
> In order to create repos which maintain longer-term value, I propose
> the following: editing the CVS post-commit hook on to
> create a git commit for every CVS commit which comes in for one of the
> supported code bases, and commit it to an existing git repo (which
> would be created based on joerg's repo-conversion).  This would
> address several concerns:
>  - the repo would always be up-to-date, because every time a CVS commit
>  - happens, a corresponding git commit happens
>  - the SHA-1 of old commits would never change
>  - interested parties would gain more experience working with the NetBSD
>  - code using git.  This includes, "what do we do in cases where we would
>  - normally use 'cvs admin' to fix the repo?"
> I have not yet started on writing the code to implement this.  We
> currently use a version of heavily customized over years
> for CVS hooks, so implementation would involve creating some perl
> code.  If anyone has existing code which could be repurposed to
> implement part/all of this, please contact me OOB.  :)
> Does anyone see any fundamental flaws in what I'm proposing here? My
> initial thought is that the git commits would be done on
>, but I would like to code this in such a way (patch
> creation, or some such) that they could happen on a different host, so
> there's a fallback in case too much additional load on nbcvs is
> created by this.
> Thoughts?
> +j
> [1] there is a git mirror of src and pkgsrc which is kept reasonably
> up-to-date by joerg, but because it is converted anew every time,
> whenever someone uses "cvs admin", they potentially change the SHA-1
> of old commits - which makes the git mirror nearly useless (at least
> for some uses).
> [2] I'm proposing src, xsrc, pkgsrc and othersrc at this time


I am very happy to hear this news.
Current joerg@'s mirror has no tag.
I need stable, complete, and official mirror.

The git is preferable for marketing view, I believe.

Thank you.

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