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Re: The essential problems of moving from CVS

On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 02:19:32PM +0000, Thomas Adam wrote:
 > > The branch maintenance one is huge because we spend a lot of effort on
 > > dealing with merging things between branches in release engineering.
 > This is more effectively solved by having a clearly-defined workflow about
 > public branches, their use, and how they're managed/integrated with other
 > branches potentially.  If you get this right, and commiters appreciate what
 > each branch's role is for, it makes things easy.

We already have that, and git isn't going to change it much. Applying
changesets to a release branch is not markedly different anywhere, and
as far as I know neither git nor any other readily available SCM tool
has the ability to manage the recordkeeping that currently has to be
done separately. Maybe in the long run some extensions can be written
for that, maybe not.

David A. Holland

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