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Re: The essential problems of moving from CVS

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 05:46:06PM +0900, Curt Sampson wrote:
> So, have I missed anything here?

I think you got it backward. The key qeustions are:

 - are there any options besides staying with cvs (for our repository,
   assuming we want to carry on all history "as good as possible")
 - for each option, what consequences on the work flow would it have

Unfortunately so far (at least from my POV) the first question produced
an empty list so the second was irrelevant.

The experiments with git (done for a completely seperate setup) shows, for
the first time, that we seem to be able to do a full conversion to something
else, but with some loss. Next step would be to qualify the loss and see if
we can live without or work around it.

Can someone summarize the details of the problems, assuming the conversion
would be done one time and we'd continue with git as master repo?

P.S.: why is core cc'd on this discussion?

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